For Members

Annual Report

2024 Annual Report

Governance Manual

Governance Manual

Photo Directory

Photo Directory

To receive your password to view the directory online please contact the church office at 905-689-6223 or [email protected]


Please contact the church office at 905-689-6223 or [email protected] for further information on any of our volunteer opportunities, some of which are listed below.

Children’s Program
Good things are happening at Little Lights!  Rotating volunteers are needed to assist our Program Leader, Ruth Nicholson, on Sundays at 9:30am. Lessons are simple and pre-planned.
Christian Development
Do you have a passion to see spirituality take new roots in all ages of faith? The Christian Development Team is looking for people with a passion to promote and encourage our existing programs, as well as to brainstorm new ways of getting others excited about our faith.

Do you believe strongly that St. James needs to promote itself to the community and to communicate the exciting things that are happening?  The Communications Committee is looking for someone to handle the advertising to the Waterdown Community (i.e. notices to community newspapers, local cable channel for special events, etc.).

Hospitality has a focus on increasing opportunities for fellowship among the entire congregation. We welcome your ideas and input!

Our Worship Team meets every Thursday, Sept.-June at 7pm.  Contact our Minister of Music, Sophia Werden Abrams, through the church office for more information. 

Are you passionate about being God’s hands and feet in the world? Do you have a particular cause you care deeply about? Outreach is looking for more people to join their team!
Pastoral Care
Do you have a heart for people and a passion to be a part of caring community in action? Do you have a special concern for members of this community who are not able to attend services regularly? The Pastoral Care Committee has visiting opportunities and tele-ministry opportunities. This is a great opportunity for those with flexible schedules!
Property and Grounds
If you are interested in helping to create and maintain a welcoming atmosphere from a building and grounds perspective, the Property & Grounds Committee is looking for new members. This Group of committed individuals meets Thursday mornings from 9am to noon to work on various repairs and maintenance projects, and includes a coffee and fellowship time.
The Contemporary and Traditional Service Worship Teams dedicate their time to enhancing our Sunday morning worship experiences.  

Please contact the church office at 905-689-6223 or [email protected] for further information on any of our volunteer opportunities.
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