

Adult Small Groups

LIFE Group

Our weekly Living In Faith Everyday Group takes places each Wednesday, from 2-3pm in the church parlour.  This group is open to anyone who wants to explore spiritual issues more deeply, reflecting on the previous Sunday’s message, and learn how to be active in local mission.

We are currently meeting in the church parlour AND through Zoom, please contact the church office for the link.

Friday Early Morning Men's Bible Study Group 
 This group meets at 9:15 am on Friday mornings in the parlour. Please contact the office for additional information and to get connected to this group.

Fix-it Group
Meets Thursday mornings, 9am-noon, to do odd jobs around the church. Coffee & conversation time is included.

Kids and Youth

Youth Group
Meets on Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm in our Hall/gym for a fun evening of sports, cooking and games wrapped into a meaningful Christian message. Learn and play various youth games and sports. Develop your cooking skills to make easy foods such as pizza and fresh ingredient appetizers. Learn about leading a Christian life in our community. Bring along an interesting board game to share and enjoy to fill out the evening.

Contact the office for further information.

Helping Others

Migrant Workers Picnic
We take turns with local churches hosting more than 75 farm hands to a traditional Mexican meal, tables of donated items, live entertainment, raffles and plenty of fellowship.  The outreach program collects donations of clothing, electronics and household items for the workers from area farms.

Flamborough Food Bank
Donations for the Flamborough Food Bank can be left in the food boxes outside the Hall upstairs or in the back of the Sanctuary.  Donations are brought up to the Food Bank in Carlisle after the 1st Sunday of each month.
Collecting for Charities
Used postage stamps of all denominations are accepted for the Leprosy Mission. Leave at least 1/4″ around the stamp when cutting it from the envelope. Stamps are collected, bundled, and delivered to the Leprosy Mission who sell them to stamp dealers in order to help support their work in combating and treating Leprosy.  

We also collect used eyeglasses to send overseas through local Optometrist, Dr. Derrick Thornborrow. They are distributed to those in need in third world countries who otherwise have no access to eyewear to correct their vision. 

Other items we collect are empty ink cartridges from printers, and Canadian Tire money.  They can be put in the labeled drawers in the hallway upstairs outside the washrooms, or in the wicker stand at the back of the Sanctuary.
Mission and Service Fund
World Development and Relief (WDR) is the only area within the Mission and Service (M&S) Fund to which you can designate funds. In fact, United Church people give close to $500,000 annually in support of WDR. The amount of money the United Church actually budgets for world development and relief spending is close to four times this amount. Additional funds for this work come from Mission and Service Fund contributions. All WDR money is spent on overseas development projects, emergency relief efforts and rehabilitation.  
Eagles Nest of Waterdown
Flamborough Food Bank
The United Church of Canada Mission and Service
Wesley Urban Ministries

Habitat for Humanity
St. James raises funds and contributes their volunteer time to help Habitat for Humanity with local townhouse builds.
Mission Trips
In past years, our Mission trips have taken us to Guatemala, Haiti, Trinidad, and the Dominican Republic, to assist families and communities in need. 

Affirming Committee

Vision Statement:

Love God; Love One Another

Click the link to view St. James United Church Marriage Policy

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